Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Howard and Gary Garver
After the break we heard a prank call that Ham Hands Bill made to a flower shop. Fred played the Black Eyed Peas ''Boom Boom Pow'' as they were coming back.
Howard said he had Gary Garver on the phone to talk about something he was doing on the internet. Howard said he likes Gary a lot but he's completely lost. He said that Gary was talking shit about him on some internet show.
Howard said they fired Gary from his freelance job where he went out and interviewed people. Howard said Gary's feelings are hurt and he went out and talked about him and he really resents the stuff he said. Howard said he said some horrible things about him. Gary said he didn't say anything horrible.
Howard told Gary he was going to let him talk about the way he feels. Gary said he loves Howard but he does feel bad about the way they fired him. He said that he worked with them for 18 years. Gary told Howard to tell the truth about this.
Howard said Gary said he was angry about the way they didn't get on the air and talk about why they fired him. Howard said the reason he did that was because generally in that business it's not a good thing to be fired. Howard said out of respect to Gary he didn't mention it on the air. Howard said he loves Gary and he felt the nice thing to do was not to go on the air and talk about why he was fired. Howard said he didn't want to go on and say that he was out of control so that's why he was fired. Howard wanted him to go on with his life and not worry about that.
Gary said he has gone on with his life and he's been fired for a year and a half now. Howard said he thinks that Gary should be hired by another station but Gary says he can't be hired by anyone. He said that no one will hire him now.
Garver said that everyone thinks that he lived in New York and he was a big part of the show but he was never there. Howard said they never said that Gary was there in New York. Gary said he was periodically on the show and that was it.
Howard said he wasn't going to go on the air and talk about him being fired. He said he didn't want to hurt Gary. He told him he was trying to help him. Gary said it didn't work because he can't get hired anywhere.
Howard said Gary was on this internet show talking about him and he had some clips of that to play. Garver was saying that Howard ruined his career. Howard said he didn't ruin his career. Gary said he went out and busted his ass on those interviews. Howard said he knows that, he loves what he did for them. Garver said that he went on for 30 minutes on that show and he knows that Howard isn't going to play it all. Howard played a little more of it and Garver was saying that everyone in the radio business hates Howard's guts. He said that's why he can't get a job.
Garver said that everyone in radio is jealous of Howard and that's why they won't hire him. Howard played more of the audio of Garver going off on him and he was talking about what happened to him and told his viewers to tune out if they didn't want to hear it. Gary said he was buried by Howard when he got fired and he never was good enough to hang out with the Howard Stern people. Garver said that Howard takes care of a few people and he doesn't take care of everyone like people think.
Howard said they worked with Garver on some stuff and they tired to rein him in but things just didn't work out. He said he would never bad mouth Gary on the air and that thing he's looking at as a snub wasn't a snub at all.
Garver said that he put his ass on the line every time he went out and did interviews. He said that no one liked him and what he was doing and he was hated by everyone. Howard said he thinks he did a really good job. He said he thinks that Garver's gripe with him is that he didn't announce that he was fired. Garver said when the interview went down a year and a half ago he was just trying to get some material for the show. Howard said he knows that but he fucked up a few too many times.
Gary said he was being sabotaged by someone and he tried to walk away from it all. He said this guy was trying to get him thrown out of red carpet events and he confronted him that one time and he got suspended for a month. Howard said he was trying to keep him working for them. He said that he didn't want him to get hurt or anyone else to get hurt. He said that Gary could have gotten hurt or he could have hurt someone else. Gary said he did that for 18 years and no one ever got hurt.
Howard said he just wanted to let Gary get his thoughts out on this. Gary said he wasn't done with this stuff because he wanted to talk about this show ''A Day in the Life'' that he says Doug Goodstein stole from him. He said that it was a concept he came up with to follow a porn star around for a day while taping it. He said that he came up with the porn star part of that.
Howard said Gary didn't come up with the concept. He said that following a porn star around with a camera isn't a new concept. Howard said that they have people come to him with concepts that they're already doing all the time.
Gary told Howard he wanted to talk about this without being cut off. He and Howard were cutting each other off but then they were telling each other how much they love each other.
Gary went on to tell Howard that he and Doug Goodstein were talking about doing ''A Day in the Life'' and the show never aired but Doug took it and went out and did this thing with the Wack Packers and used the same name. Doug Goodstein came in and asked who they did that show with. Gary said it was with Miss Howard Stern. Doug said they never did it with a porn star. He said that Gary is out of his mind.
Howard and Doug asked what it was that they did where they stole the ideas. Gary said they did something with the Wack Packers. He said he had the whole thing registered in the Library of Congress. Doug said they didn't do what Gary says they did but they've been doing stuff similar to it for years. He said that it's like doing a documentary or a reality show. Howard asked Gary if he ever saw the day in the life of Ozzy Osbourne. Howard said he came up with that idea. Howard said he went to Ozzy and told him that he should be followed around with a camera and they went out and did that. Howard said he could claim that he came up with every reality show.
Gary Dell'Abate came in and asked Gary why he called Doug a little Jew in the internet show he was doing. Garver said he never said that. Gary insisted he did so Howard played some more audio from that show where Garver threatened to beat Doug up if he sees him again. He said he'd take that little Jew bastard and choke him.
Howard said that they looked some stuff up on the internet and on MTV they did a ''Day in the Life of Nelly.'' He said that he can't be taking credit for coming up with that concept.
Howard said Gary's complaint is that he didn't come on the air and say that he was dismissed. Howard said he's doing that right now. Howard said he happens to like Gary and he was trying to protect him.
Garver asked Howard if he can use him as a reference now. Howard said he could have done that all along. Garver laughed. He said that he was keeping it secret the whole time too. He said he wasn't sure if he was allowed to talk about it. He said he wanted to come back and work for them and he was staying in touch with Tim Sabean all along.
Gary Dell'Abate told Garver that they had to warn him about a couple if incidents and they gave him parameters to stay within and he didn't do it. He said one time he got into an argument with a security guard and that's the kind of stuff they were worried about. He said that Garver would get into arguments with people like that and they were worried that he was going to get into a fight.
Gary said they told Garver to walk away and not provoke people. Garver said he did walk way. Gary said that he didn't walk away because he ended up wishing a gay man got AIDS. Garver said he was just defending himself.
Howard said he was shocked by the tirade he went on and he really doesn't want him to be upset. Garver said he's even more upset now. Howard said he wanted to give him an explanation about why he didn't mention it on the air. He said that's what this call was about. Howard said Gary seems comfortable going around talking about it on these shows now so that's fine and he'll talk about it.
Garver said that Howard was the one who opened up the can of worms with the whole Johnny Fratto and the Tourettes guy going out and doing the interviews. Garver said they won't find someone who can do what he did or what Stuttering John did. Howard said he doesn't have to be mad at the other guys. Gary said he's not mad at them.
Garver asked Howard why he didn't go to bat for him. Howard said he did go to bat for him a bunch of times. He said that they required a certain sensitivity and Gary didn't have that. Howard said he loved the interviews Gary did for them but when someone asks him to leave he just has to leave. He said it's not that important to argue over it.
Howard said he'd rather error on the wrong side and be safe than let him go on and get hurt. Howard said they had to fire him and they thought it would be best to keep it quiet. Gary said he thought he would be able to work for them again some day so that's why he kept it quiet too. Howard said he saw how out of control things were getting and he wanted to talk to him on the air about it.
Garver said he thought that he was going to get the chance to come back to the show. He said that he heard that Howard didn't want him back. Howard said he would love to have him back but he's not sure he can. Garver said he was just doing an act for the guy he wished AIDS on. He said he wasn't really threatening the guy. Garver said he knows he made a mistake but even Michael Vick got a second chance. Howard said there were other, previous, things that they were thinking about too. He said that they just didn't want anyone to get hurt.
Garver said that's fine and they have every right to keep him from working for him. He said that he knows that Howard's name is precious to him and he wouldn't want to hurt him. Howard said he would recommend Gary to other people to work for. He said that he doesn't know if he'd do that with the interviewing part but as a worker he's great.
Garver said he's gone out and done interviews on his own and he's never had a problem. He said he was just trying to get material for Howard and that's that. He said after 6 or 7 times of being kicked out of events he went off on the guy who was behind it. He said the day that Howard announced that Johnny Fratto was doing the interviews he got upset. He said he had a lot of people asking why he wasn't doing the interviews anymore.
Howard said he didn't want to air his dirty laundry on the air and that's it. He said he would have done that if Gary told him to. Garver said that's not true, he said if he had called Gary and told him to tell him to do that, he would have just blown it off.
Garver asked if he could plug his internet TV web site. Howard said he can do that now and he can call in at other times and do the same thing to get some plugs. Garver said you can go to Exscape.TV to check out his stuff. Howard told Gary he loves him and he wishes him all the best. Garver kept talking about why he was upset about the whole thing and Howard kept telling him why he did what he did.
Howard let Gary go and Robin said she still has no idea what that was all about. Howard said he had watched that video over the weekend and he wasn't sure why he was so upset with him either. He said sometimes you just don't know what people want. Howard thought he was protecting the guy but that's not the way Gary saw it. Howard said he thought it might be good for the air today but he really didn't get why he wanted it on the air.
Howard said he's sorry if that bored Robin. Robin said that his points didn't make a lot of sense to her. She said that his ''A Day in the Life'' thing didn't make much sense to her.
Howard said he really wasn't looking to piss Gary off. He felt bad after seeing that video over the weekend. Artie said he saw Gary Garver out in Las Vegas once and he had never seen someone more hung over in his life. He said it was the day after Gary got into a fight with his brother out in Las Vegas. He said it was like seeing Dracula that day and Gary said to him that he looked like shit. Howard said that's when she knew Artie was in trouble back then.
Howard said Gary is a sweet guy and he seemed really pained by the whole thing in that video he watched. He said there were a lot of warnings for Gary and he was really worried about him. He said it may have been too volatile of a situation for the guy.
Artie said that Garver went at the Darth Nihilus guy that one time. Howard said that was actually a great piece of tape. He said Gary has a great body of work that he's done for them. Howard gave him another plug for his web site and wrapped up with that conversation and went to break a short time later.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
New home!

Syndicate Radio's main room has moved to www.justin.tv/syndicateradio until problems over at LiveVideo have been solved. Syndicate Radio 2 will stay at www.livevideo.com until further notice. If any hosts need the sign in information contact one of the moderators in the room or DinoSyndicate. Make sure you sign up at www.justin.tv so that you can have access to meebo to contact Dino or any of the mods when your not in the room!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
80's Horror Marathon!

Watch live video from Guyute's Horror Flicks on Justin.tv
If you have missed 1980-1985 horror flicks, Guyutee will be playing the years 1986-1989 to complete the marathon. Major cult classics like Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween will be played as well, since they were made during this time. After the marathon if you would like to request a movie go to Guyutee's myspace and select from the list. I'm sure he will find a way to play it for you at a decent time.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Who Is Sonia Sotomayor?
Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judge Sonia Sotomayor was nominated last week to replace Justice David Souter on the Supreme Court. How much do we know about this New York judge? Here's some biographical information:
Never forgot her impoverished roots and made her own robes for 10 years
Occasionally appears in court as her dark alter ego, Judge Saskia Sorrowmaker
Wears an Ace bandage on her left arm due to an old gavel-pounding injury
Feels that mini tacos are degrading, not in any racial sense, but from a taco-lover's perspective
Completely embarrassed herself one time by confusing the Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV with the Privileges or Immunities Clause of Amendment XIV
Led the Circuit Court League in overrulings from 1996 to 1999
Rolls her R's in "overruled" in the most delightfully saucy way
Avoided formulating an opinion about Roe v. Wade on the off chance that she would be nominated for the Supreme Court
New Hampshire the 6th state in the Union to legalize same sex marriage

New Hampshire legalized gay marriage earlier today, becoming the sixth state in the union to do so and leaving Rhode Island as the only backwards New England state. It remains unclear whether New Hampshire is just doing this as another crazy libertarian protest of government intervention in our lives, but regardless of the reason, we're for it. And we hope Rhode Island gets on the gay marriage express soon.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Syndicate June Birthdays!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Greenland ice could fuel severe U.S. sea level rise

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – New York, Boston and other cities on North America's northeast coast could face a rise in sea level this century that would exceed forecasts for the rest of the planet if Greenland's ice sheet keeps melting as fast as it is now, researchers said on Wednesday.
Sea levels off the northeast coast of North America could rise by 12 to 20 inches more than other coastal areas if the Greenland glacier-melt continues to accelerate at its present pace, the researchers reported.
This is because the current rate of ice-melting in Greenland could send so much fresh water into the salty north Atlantic Ocean that it could change the vast ocean circulation pattern sometimes called the conveyor belt. Scientists call this pattern the meridional overturning circulation.
"If the Greenland melt continues to accelerate, we could see significant impacts this century on the northeast U.S. coast from the resulting sea level rise," said Aixie Hu, lead author of an article on the subject in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
"Major northeastern cities are directly in the path of the greatest rise," said Hu, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.
This is an even bleaker assessment than an earlier study indicated. A March article in the journal Nature Geoscience said warmer water temperatures could shift ocean currents so as to raise sea levels off the U.S. northeast coast by about 8 inches more than the average global sea level rise.
However, this earlier research did not include the impact of melting Greenland ice, which would speed changes in ocean circulation and send 4 to 12 more inches of water toward northeastern North America, on top of the average global sea level rise.
That could put residents of New York, Boston and Halifax, Nova Scotia, at risk since these cities and others lie close to sea level now, Hu said in answer to e-mailed questions.
Not only would coastal residents be at direct risk from flooding but drainage systems would suffer as salty ocean water would move back into river deltas, changing the biological environment, Hu wrote in an e-mail.
"In a flooding zone, because the higher sea level may impede the function of the drainage system, the future flood may become more severe," he wrote. If cities are prone to subsidence -- where the ground sinks -- higher sea levels would also make that problem worse, according to Hu.
The ice that covers much of Greenland is melting faster now due to global climate change, raising world sea levels. But sea level does not rise evenly around the globe. Sea level in the North Atlantic is now 28 inches lower than in the North Pacific, because the Atlantic has a dense, compact layer of deep, cold water that the Pacific lacks.
Greenland's ice-melt rate has increased by 7 percent a year since 1996 but Hu said it is unlikely to continue. Still, he and his co-authors ran computer simulations that included this fast-paced melting, along with more moderate scenarios with ice-melt increasing by 3 percent or 1 percent annually.
Hu said it was hard to say whether the 7 percent annual increase could go on for the next 50 years but said it was possible since the current rate of increase in climate-warming carbon dioxide is higher than the high end of projections by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
(Editing by Bill Trott)
Openly gay teen voted prom queen at LA high school
LOS ANGELES – An openly gay teen was voted prom queen at Los Angeles' Fairfax High School in a campaign that began as a stunt but ended up spurring discussion on the campus about gender roles and teen popularity. Sergio Garcia, 18, was crowned queen Saturday night at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.
"I feel invincible," Garcia said in his tiara and charcoal-gray tuxedo.
A few days earlier, he gave a speech that won over some cynics and led to an ovation and his unlikely victory.
"At one time, prom may have been a big popularity contest where the best-looking guy or girl were crowned king and queen. Things have changed and it's no longer just about who has the most friends or who wears the coolest clothes," Garcia told a gymnasium full of seniors. "I'm not your typical prom queen candidate. There's more to me than meets the eye."
Garcia assured the crowd he wouldn't wear a dress on prom night.
"I will be wearing a suit," he said. "But don't be fooled, deep down I am a queen."
The school, which sits at the end of the rows of chic shops on Melrose Avenue and was once attended by members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, has long been a haven for students who would be considered outcasts at many schools.
Garcia said he saw fliers advertising the prom and the election, and they didn't specify that the queen must be a girl. He thought the role would suit him better than prom king.
"I don't wish to be a girl," he told the Los Angeles Times. said. "I just wish to be myself."
Senior class president Vanessa Lo said she and many other students were initially against the idea but were won over by Garcia's speech and became convinced he wasn't just an attention-seeking clown.
"It just goes to show how open-minded our class is," Lo said.
Seventeen-year-old Unique Payne called the speech "great" and said she voted for Garcia "because I support the gay community."
Other students weren't as happy, and suggested many voted for Garcia just to see the spectacle of two boys dancing together at the prom.
"I'm not really happy about that," said 17-year-old Juan Espinoza. "He should've run for prom king.Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Canada over worst of swine flu: Butler-Jones

OTTAWA -- Canada's chief public health officer says the country has seen the worst of the swine flu - for now.
Dr. David Butler-Jones said Monday it appears that spread of the virus is waning. "It looks at this point like we're over the worst of it in Canada for this season," he said.
"But, again, I'm going to hedge my bets on that because we're watching very closely and it's still within the incubation period of previous cases, so you could see a second spike."
There has so far been a confirmed total of 520 cases - including one death - of the strain of H1N1 in Canada. Nearly all the cases have been mild.
The virus seemingly peaked around the end of last month and the beginning of this one, Butler-Jones said.
"Once we've been a couple of weeks past the presentation of cases, etc., and we see the numbers, then we can say with some confidence that we're over the worst," he said.
"We seem to be trending in that way, but we'll have to wait and see over the next few days."
Some health officials have suggested the virus isn't likely to peter out over the summer as flu strains tend to do when the mercury soars in the Northern Hemisphere.
Butler-Jones didn't rule out more cases over the summer and a resurgence in the fall.
"We are suspecting that this will be back in the fall given how widely it's spread so far," he said.
"We need to be planning for that, including the development of vaccines and other things."
The federal government has signed a contract with pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline to produce a new vaccine for swine flu when one is developed, Butler-Jones said. Every Canadian is covered for two doses of the vaccine under that deal.
Federal scientists are working on a vaccine strain at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg.
In a further sign that spread of the swine flu virus is tapering off, Ottawa lifted its advisory against non-essential travel to Mexico on Monday as flu cases there start to level off.
The federal government says travel to Mexico - the epicentre of the swine subtype of H1N1 - is no longer a risk to Canadians since the virus has been spreading through Canada for some time.
The Canada Border Services Agency will continue to visually check travellers for signs of illness.
But the Public Health Agency of Canada will cease some Mexico-specific travel measures such as distributing health alert notices to passengers on direct flights to Mexico and having quarantine officers meet every direct flight entering Canada from Mexico.
News of the travel advisory being lifted comes as Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq attends the annual World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.
Several countries - including China, Britain and Japan - urged the World Health Organization against raising the swine flu alert to the highest level.
WHO Director General Dr. Margaret Chan agreed to keeping the alert level at the current Phase 5 out of a possible six - one level short of a worldwide pandemic.
Aglukkaq said Canada was one of the countries in Geneva pushing for the WHO to take into account whether the virus was causing severe or mild illness, not just how quickly it was spreading.
"It has been raised by other countries, as well," she said. "Canada is not alone in those thoughts."
Utah and Arizona report swine flu-related deaths

SALT LAKE CITY – Utah officials reported the state's first death associated with swine flu and Arizona recorded that state's third victim, pushing the national death toll to 10 people.
David Sundwall, executive director of the Utah Department of Health, said a 21-year-old man with swine flu died Wednesday morning at aSalt Lake City hospital.
Sundwall said the man was overweight and had chronic medical conditions, including respiratory problems and other health issues, that would put him at risk.
Dagmar Vitek, medical director for the Salt Lake Valley Health Department, says an investigation to determine how the man contracted the virus is under way. She said officials don't believe he traveled recently.
In neighboring Arizona, health officials said Wednesday a 13-year-old boy from Tucson also has died with swine flu. The teenager died Friday of complications from the flu. He had been hospitalized May 10.
The Arizona Department of Health Services, which confirmed test results, said an older sibling of the teen is hospitalized with the virus, and other family members have recovered from the flu, according to spokeswoman Patti Woodcock.
In New York, students, officials, educators and friends gathered Wednesday at the funeral of an assistant principal who became New York City's first confirmed death related to swine flu. Hospital and city officials said complications besides the virus probably played a part in Sunday's death of the 55-year-old educator.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 5,700 confirmed and probable cases of swine flu in 47 states and Washington, D.C.
The World Health Organization said 41 countries have reported more than 10,000 cases, mostly in the U.S. and Mexico. The organization said 80 deaths have been reported
Allwine, voice of Mickey Mouse for 32 years, dies

LOS ANGELES – Wayne Allwine, the actor who voiced Mickey Mousefor more than 30 years, has died.
The Walt Disney Co. says Allwine died Monday of complications from diabetes, with Russi Taylor, his wife of 20 years and the voice ofMinnie Mouse, by his side. He was 62.
"Wayne dedicated his entire professional life to Disney," chief executive Robert Iger said in a statement Wednesday. "Over the last 32 years, (he) gave so much joy, happiness and comfort to so many around the world by giving voice to our most beloved, iconic character, Mickey Mouse."
A Southern California native, Allwine joined Disney in 1966 when he took a job in the mail room. He went on to work in the sound effects department and began voicing the company's main mouse in 1977.
His falsetto can be heard in 1983's "Mickey's Christmas Carol," 1988's "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and at Disney theme parks around the world. He won an Emmy Award in 1986 for his sound editing on the NBC series "Amazing Stories."
Allwine was the third man behind Mickey's voice. The first was Disney himself, then Jimmy MacDonald, who became Allwine's mentor and passed him the reins after voicing the mouse for 30 years.
"He said, 'Just remember kid, you're only filling in for the boss,'" Allwine once recalled. "And that's the way he treated doing Mickey for years and years."
"Mickey's the real star," Allwine continued. "You know you just have to love the little guy while you have him, because he won't be yours forever."
Roy E. Disney, director emeritus for The Walt Disney Co., said Allwine did more than give Mickey a voice. He "gave him a heart and soul as well."
"He did an incredible job of bringing emotion, humor and appeal to the character, and superbly carried on the tradition originated by my Uncle Walt, and later by sound-effects wizard Jimmy Macdonald."
Besides Taylor, Allwine is survived by five children from a previous marriage: Erin, Alison, Peter, Christopher and Joshua.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Man sought prostitute for son, 14

A father who asked an undercover police officer posing as a prostitute to take his 14-year-old son's virginity has been given a suspended prison sentence.
The man from Bulwell, Nottingham, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was given a 10-month suspended jail term.
Nottingham Crown Court heard the man, 42, had approached the undercover policewoman in the Mapperley area in July believing her to be a prostitute.
He admitted trying to solicit a woman to have sex with a child.
Judge Jonathan Teare |
The court heard the father was arrested during an undercover operation by the city's vice squad.
The man drove up to the undercover officer and asked her how much she would charge for sex with his son, who was sitting next to him in the car.
Judge Jonathan Teare said he was not sending the father to prison because of his previous excellent character and that he believed he did not mean any harm to his son.
He said: "What you were doing that night was to expose your 14-year-old son to a prostitute because you didn't know she was a police officer.
"You have a duty of care to your son and that is to look after his moral welfare not, as you might think, to break him into the ways of sex through a prostitute."
The father's barrister Matthew Smith said: "There is a thorough sense of shame the defendant feels.
"It's completely at odds with every other part of his character."
Mr Smith added that the boy would be allowed to continue to live with his father.
The defendant will be placed on the sex offenders register for five years.
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So I was suppose to start this awhile ago....in case you missed TamUmers Rumers then here are a set of rumers.....
It started on new years eve when someone, we shall call "Beano" had a party at his house for new years eve. He had friends and family come over for a good time to drink and smoke and do whatever. So he invited some internet friends over. One tall giant we can call "Misturb'd" and "Fogny".
It started out innocent, everyone sittin around having a good time with drinks and good food. But as the night progressed, Beano started imagining the giant Misturb'd in a wig and in a skirt and lets just say, to keep what happened once new years hit, Beano made Misturb'd program director for a certain internet network. It involved refried beans, a cucumber, and a lot of chorizo. Not a pretty sight says onlooker Fogny, who to this day rarely comes back online because of this.
This is one of those stories they never wanted to get out but little birdies are everywhere.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Former Catholic head of Milwaukee admits he's gay

NEW YORK – A Roman Catholic archbishop who resigned in 2002 over a sex and financial scandal involving a man describes his struggles with being gay in an upcoming memoir about his decades serving the church.
Archbishop Rembert Weakland, former head of the Milwaukee archdiocese, said in an interview Monday that he wrote about his sexual orientation because he wanted to be candid about "how this came to life in my own self, how I suppressed it, how it resurrected again."
Called "A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church: Memoirs of a Catholic Archbishop," the book is set to be released in June.
"I was very careful and concerned that the book not become a Jerry Springer, to satisfy people's prurient curiosity or anything of this sort," Weakland told The Associated Press. "At the same time, I tried to be as honest as I can."
Weakland stepped down soon after Paul Marcoux, a former Marquette University theology student, revealed in May 2002 that he was paid $450,000 to settle a sexual assault claim he made against the archbishop more than two decades earlier. The money came from the archdiocese.
Marcoux went public at the height of anger over the clergy sex abuse crisis, when Catholics and others were demanding that dioceses reveal the extent of molestation by clergy and how much had been confidentially spent to settle claims.
Weakland denied ever assaulting anyone. He apologized for concealing the payment. The Vatican says that men with "deep-seated" attraction to other men should not be ordained.
In an August 1980 letter that was obtained by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, Weakland said he was in emotional turmoil over Marcoux and that he had "come back to the importance of celibacy in my life." He signed the letter, "I love you."
The revelations rocked the Milwaukee archdiocese, which Weakland had led since 1977. He was a hero forliberal Catholics nationwide because of his work on social justice and other issues,
The archbishop, now 82, said he seriously considered the potential pain for the archdiocese of renewing attention to the scandal and thought about waiting "until I was dead" to have it published. But he decided to move ahead with the project.
"What I felt was that people who loved me as bishop here, when they read the book will continue to love me. The people who found it difficult, I hope will be helped a little bit by the book," he said.
In a sign of the deep emotions still surrounding Weakland and his departure, the Archdiocese of Milwaukeehas released a public statement alerting local Catholics to the upcoming book.
"Some people will be angry about the book, others will support it," the archdiocese said.
Weakland also writes about his failures to stop sexually abusive priests. In a videotaped deposition released last November, Weakland admitted returning guilty priests to active ministry without alerting parishioners or police.
"Any deposition is just a part of a whole picture and that picture has not been painted yet. And anybody can take out of that any sentence they want," Weakland said in the interview.
"I try to deal with this, I hope in an honest way, admitting my weaknesses in not being able to see this earlier, but at the same time doing what I could confront it."
Advocates for abuse victims said that Weakland's cover-up of his own sexual activity was part of a pattern of secrecy that included concealing the criminal behavior of child molesters.
Weakland, a Benedictine monk, served in Rome as leader of the International Benedictine Confederation and also worked on a liturgy commission for the Second Vatican Council, which made reforms in the 1960s meant to modernize the church.
Weakland said he wrote in the memoir that he was unprepared for "how lonely it is" to be a bishop and how difficult it can be to get the "feedback and support you need."
U.S. Catholics have long debated whether the priesthood had become a predominantly gay vocation. Estimates vary from 25 percent to 50 percent, according to a review of research on the issue by the Rev. Donald Cozzens, author of "The Changing Face of the Priesthood."
Weakland said Christians needed to speak more openly about gays in the priesthood without the "hysteria" that often characterizes the debate.
The archbishop has been living in a retirement community near the Milwaukee archdiocese and plans to move to St. Mary's Abbey in Morristown, N.J., this summer. He said he was not bitter about how the scandal had eclipsed his decades of work in the church.
"I refused to let myself become a victim and refused to let myself become angry," he said. "I want to take responsibility but I want to move on."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Michael Jackson concerts may face legal challenge

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – A music promoter plans to sue to blockMichael Jackson from performing in London this year, claiming that a contract signed by the "king of pop" prevents him from giving a concert until July 2010, the head of the promotion company said on Monday.
New Jersey-based AllGood Entertainment Inc contends it signed an agreement in November with Jackson's manager, Frank DiLeo, committing the singer to perform in July 2010 along with his brothers from the Jackson Five and sister Janet Jackson.
Under the agreement, Michael Jackson cannot give another concert until that Jackson Family reunion show, said Patrick Allocco, managing partner at AllGood Entertainment.
AllGood Entertainment sent a cease and desist letter to DiLeo and toconcert promoter AEG Live, which has signed Jackson to perform a series of 50 shows at London's 02 Arena starting in July, Allocco said. In the letter, AllGood Entertainment warned that its agreement with DiLeo barred Jackson from performing the London shows for AEG Live.
A source at AEG Live acknowledged the company had been contacted and called AllGood's claims meaningless. The source said rehearsals in Los Angeles are continuing in preparation for the July shows at the 02.
A representative for Jackson did not return calls.
Allocco said his company's plans to sue in federal court come after failed attempts to negotiate with Jackson and reach a deal to allow the London shows to go ahead.
"As of right now we've gotten zero cooperation from anyone, Frank DiLeo refuses to honor our agreement and that's why we're filing a lawsuit by week's end," Allocco said.
AllGood Entertainment said that its one-time concert featuring Michael Jackson is scheduled for July 3, 2010, at Texas Stadium in Irving, Texas. The concert would be available as a pay-per-view event over the Internet, Allocco said.
Jackson could make up to $30 million for the show, Allocco said.
"Thirty million for one show is unheard of, that's why we're so frustrated," he said. "Frank DiLeo is standing in our way. AEG has been constantly frustrating our ability to get this show."
Jackson's series of concerts in London also have been touted as unprecedented. AEG has said that, all together, the shows will gather the biggest audience ever to see an artist in one city.
Leo & Kate Help Last Titanic Survivor

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- The last survivor of the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 is getting a hand from Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.
The "Titanic" stars, along with director James Cameron, have contributed to a $30,000 fund for Millvina Dean, 98,Access Hollywood has confirmed.
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The Irish Independent was the first to report the news.
The stars came forward after an appeal by photographer Don Mullan in the Sunday edition of the paper. Mullan had asked the stars and director of 1997 blockbuster to help Millvina, who has struggled with her nursing home bills.
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Millvina was the ill-fated ship's youngest passenger - only nine weeks old upon being carried unto the Titanic from Southampton, England - and is now its last remaining survivor.
The photographer had been selling a limited edition shot, entitled "Still Surviving," of Millvina's hands signing an autograph in order to raise funds for her, and decided to reach out to the "Titanic" stars to pitch in. The photo is part of a new exhibition of his called "A Thousand Reasons for Living."
"I figured that if the edition sold out, it would secure Millvina for a full year. My plan, however, was to double the impact and thereby secure her for two years. I decided, therefore, at the opening of the exhibition, to publicly challenge James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, 20th Century Fox and Celine to match me dollar for dollar,'' Don told the Independent.
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He is still waiting on a response from Celine, who won an Oscar for the film's theme song, "My Heart Will Go On," and the film's studio, 20th Century Fox.
US soldier guns down 5 fellow soldiers in Iraq
BAGHDAD – A U.S. soldier opened fire at a counseling center on a U.S. base Monday, killing five fellow soldiers before being taken into custody, the U.S. command and Pentagon officials said.
The shooting occurred at Camp Liberty, a sprawling U.S. base on the western edge of Baghdad near the city's international airport and adjacent to another facility where President Barack Obama visited last month.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs called the shooting a "terrible tragedy" and said Obama planned to meet with Defense Secretary Gates later in the day to discuss the matter. Gibbs said the president's heart goes out to the victims' families and wants to know what happened.
A brief U.S. statement said the soldier "suspected of being involved with the shooting" was in custody but gave no further details. A senior military official in Washington said three others were wounded, but theU.S. military in Baghdad said nobody else was hurt.
In Washington, Pentagon officials said the shooting happened at a stress clinic, where troops can go for help with the stresses of combat or personal issues. It was unclear whether those killed were workers at the clinic or were there for counseling. No details were released about the gunman or what might have provoked the shooting.
"Anytime we lose one of our own, it affects us all," U.S. military spokesman Col. John Robinson said in Baghdad. "Our hearts go out to the families and friends of all the service members involved in this terrible tragedy."
Separately, the military announced Monday that a U.S. soldier was also killed a day earlier when a roadside bomb exploded near his vehicle in Basra province of southern Baghdad.
The death toll from the Monday shooting was the highest for U.S. personnel in a single attack since April 10, when a suicide truck driver killed five American soldiers with a blast near a police headquarters inMosul.
Attacks on officers and sergeants, known as fraggings, were not uncommon during the Vietnam war as morale in the ranks sank. However, such attacks are believed to be rare in the wars in Iraq andAfghanistan.
In 2005, Army Sgt. Hasan Akbar was sentenced to death for killing two officers in Kuwait just before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
In June 2005, an Army captain and lieutenant were killed when an anti-personnel mine detonated in the window of their room at the U.S. base in Tikrit. National Guard Staff Sgt. Alberto Martinez was acquitted in the blast.
Additionally, there have been several incidents recently when gunmen dressed as Iraqi soldiers have opened fire on American troops, including an attack in the northern city of Mosul on May 2 when two soldiers and the gunman were killed.
Also Monday, a senior Iraqi traffic officer was assassinated on his way to work in Baghdad. It was the second attack on a high-ranking traffic police officer in the capital in as many days.
A car cut off Brig. Gen. Abdul-Hussein al-Kadhoumi as he drove through a central square in the capital and a second vehicle pulled up alongside and riddled him with bullets, police said, citing witnesses. Al-Kadhoumi was director of operations for the traffic authority.
The gunmen were armed with pistols equipped with silencers, the police added on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media.
Incidents involving gunmen armed with sophisticated weapons, including silencers, have been on the rise since a string of high-profile robberies in April.
Associated Press Writer Pauline Jelinek contributed to this report from Washington.