High Pitch was charged with 2 counts of Grand Larceny for using friends Discover card. He was arrested Thrusday evening in Manhattan. Keep checking back for updates.
NEW YORK Criminal Court
Docket: 2008NY052961
Born 1971
Defendant Characteristics
Sex: Male
Race: White
Height: 6 Feet 1 Inches
Weight: 310 pounds
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Arrest/Incident Date/Time
Arrest Date: July 17, 2008
Arrest Time: 19:20
Incident Date: June 19, 2008
Incident Time:
Case Related Numbers
Criminal Justice Tracking Number: 63080901M
NYSID Number: 1109189J
Arrest Number: M08661023
Summons/Ticket Number:
BAC and Vehicle Info
Blood Alcohol Content:
Vehicle Info: N/A
Arresting Officer Info
Shield Number: 3122
Tax Registry Number:
Agency: NYPD
Officer Command: 10
Grand larceny is typically defined as larceny of a significant amount of property, in some cases, it can be less. In the U.S., it is often defined as an amount valued at $200 or more. In New York, Grand Larceny refers to amounts of $1,000 or more. Grand larceny is often classified as a felony with the concomitant possibility of a harsher sentence. Sometimes, the crime can be considered serious even for trivial theft. For example, in Virginia, petit larceny (a misdemeanor) occurs when the amount stolen is less than $5.00, if taken from the person (e.g. pickpocketing or robbery), or less than $200 if not taken from the person (e.g., stealing someone's property)[19]. Grand Larceny (a felony) occurs for a theft of only $5.00 or more from a person, or more than $200 if not taken from the person.[20] The same penalty applies for stealing checks as for cash or other valuables.[21]
This was brought to our attention from our friends at Sternfannetwork.com
Originally Posted by JoeyBoots
so this time he steals from a friend named jonas who if you remember he saved his life and was crowing about some months ago by alerting the police and ambulance that he was locked in his apartment and needed help(suicide attempt)......well Eric had access to the apartment while jonas has been in the hospital for his mental issues and it seems He took full advantage of jonas' discover card by getting $3100.00 iin cash advances.........now i know how on his measly salary he was able to train it down to baltimore to see that dumb starfucker deena and to see comedy shows there and in levittown............he works for a law firm and got the job because they are fans of THE SHOW and they are now representing Him on this case..........He is out on His own recognizance now and just called me and i let Him know how much of a fucked up thing it is that He did........He never learns........poor jonas.
1 comment:
Best news I've heard all weekend! :). Honestly, after all the bullshit scams HPE has pulled on people over the past, he needs to held accountable for his actions. He's been cocky this ENTIRE time, talking about how all the police guards at the station were Stern fans, and he got off scotch free from this latest drama.
I seriously hope that he's sent to jail in November or whenever his case comes to court. He's a mega asshole who needs to be beat down...and "A knife put through his fucking heart". What a bitch...fuck HPE.
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