First of all, i'd like to thank The Acadamy of Johnrika and secondly, i'd like dedicate this prestigious award to all the people who took the time to post in The Syndicate Cinema threads & Movie Cinema forum: I love you Dino, I know who Dead Air Dave is. I also know of his evil deeds. I know some of you are scared but don't cry. I'm here now and Dead Air Dave won't molest you anymore. Before the music starts playing, i'd also like to thank my agent Zolar, my drunk, abusive father Kurt, my milf step-mom Veracity, my loving but yet cunty wife Uma and our two retarded sons: Artie the test tube / downs syndrome baby, who not only grew to be a huge disapointment but a huge fat-ass also and El Chucko, our immigrant son that we hand picked from an Aids baby orphanage in Dino's mexican peasant village/hometown, my UK brother from another mother Deathlok, my long lost Rain Man-like brother G-Wiz, my special cuddly muffin Sidekick Chuck, my guru errrr Guru, my metro-sexual, berry faced stylist Rocky Cakes and my pet chimp junglebunnywithtits. The rest of you I don't know so I leave you with these words: 'I don't like nobody touching me OR my junk, ANY of you homos try to touch my wang or talk to me and fucking I'll kill you.' goo-night, goo-bless! (...and continue on with your faggy rumers)
TY ~ $cott
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